To learn more about listing your tickets on Ticketmaster and step-by-step instructions, explore the information below. All sales using resale are subject to the Resale Terms and Conditions.
- Sign into your My Account.
- Select your order in My Tickets.
- Click Sell. If the button doesn’t appear or you see Resale Unavailable, your tickets aren’t eligible for resale or the Event Organiser may have disabled resale for your event.
- Select the tickets you want to sell and set your price.
- Read and agree to the Terms and Conditions.
- Click List Tickets and Continue.
- Follow the prompts to create and complete your seller profile with Adyen, our payment provider for Resale.
- Review your listing and you’re done.
Adyen will deposit your payout to your selected method of payment typically within 17 business days after your tickets are sold. Listings are removed around three days before an event takes place and any unsold tickets will remain yours.
You can sell your tickets using your personal link.
Find your tickets in My Account and select the Share Listing option on your listed ticket(s). You can share directly on Twitter, Facebook, WhatsApp or Email. Alternatively, you can copy the link and paste it anywhere you wish.
If your tickets sell, we'll email you and automatically reissue your tickets to the buyer and arrange payment, typically within 17 working days.
Adyen, our payment provider, can only process your payment once you’ve provided them with all of the required information. Make sure you’ve completed your Seller Details in the My Profile section of your My Account.
Adyen processes resale ticket payments and requires an Australian bank account to receive payment in Australian dollars. If you’re unable to use Adyen, we can’t process your payment.